Limfadenitis kaseous (CLA - Caseous Lymphadenitis)
Satu penyakit yg. ada pada kambing, ia di sebabkan oleh bakteria Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. Bakteria ini boleh hidup di dalam persekitaran untuk suatu jangkamasa yang lama. Ia menular dengan mudah dan menyebabkan noda limfa menjadi bengkak bernanah. Biasanya bengkak bernanah (bisul) ini berlaku di noda limfa intermandibular, parotid, retropharyngeal, dan cervical dan juga noda limfa dibahagian kaki iaitu noda limfa prescapular, prefemoral, dan supramammari.
Apa yang anda harus buat bagi mengelakan dari terjadi pada kambing kesayang anda? Glanvac-6 adalah dicadangkan selain caseous lymphadenitis dan prevention of enterotoxemia (pulpy kidney), tetanus, black disease, blackleg dan malignant untuk kambing dan bebiri anda
Maklumat lanjut dari : -
Goat health—
Caseous lymphadenitis
(cheesy gland)
Agfact A7.9.8, second edition 2004
Robert North
Former Veterinary Officer, NSW Agriculture
(Reviewed JT Seaman
Program Leader Flock Health)
Caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) is a recurring bacterial
disease in goats that causes abscesses in lymph nodes
in internal organs and under the skin.
It is the cause of extensive loss through carcase
condemnation in sheep and, as the goat meat industry
increases, a similar substantial loss is likely in the goat
Cheesy gland is caused by infection with the
bacterium Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis. The
organism occurs in abscesses as well as in the gut and
faeces of the goat. It can survive for up to 4 months
on the ground and on fences, feed troughs and head
bails depending on shelter from wind and sun.
The bacteria are abundant in the pus inside abscesses.
When these abscesses burst, the pus containing
bacteria is transferred to the environment around the
goat pens. The infection is then picked up by other
goats through contamination of wounds and broken
The common behavioral habit amongst goats of
frequent licking, as well as of rubbing their heads and
necks against fence posts and sheds, allows the rapid
spread of cheesy gland. Where goats are kept in
small yards, the direct contact and close grazing of
contaminated grass or feeds in feed troughs also
encourages spread.
Dairy goats that are placed in head bails for milking
are particularly prone to being infected through
splinters around the neck.
Contaminated grooming gear can spread the bacteria
to other goats. Contaminated shearing blades are an
important method of spread in Angoras and
Cashmere goats.
Once the bacteria enter the goat’s body, they spread in
the bloodstream until they become localized in the
lymph nodes, organs or subcutaneous tissue.
Infected lymph nodes grow to become large abscesses
ranging in size from an egg to a grapefruit. The
contents are thick green/yellow cheese-like pus, hence
the common name ‘cheesy gland’.
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