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Dorpers dan white Dorpers - Stud and Comersial
Dorper biri-biri pedaging yang cepat berkembang biak. Dorper yang merupakan binatang yang mudah diternak selain daging Dorpers juga menghasilkan kapas dari wool yang ada pada akhir musim bunga ke musim panas. Ia berkembang biak di Afrika Selatan dan sekarang kedua paling popular di Negara tersebut.
Dorper dapat berkembang biak dengan baik walaupun hidup di wilayah yang gersang di Afrika Selatan. Dorper memiliki kesuburan tinggi dan ibu baik, dikombinasikan dengan tingkat pertumbuhan tinggi serta tabah. Dorper yang memiliki kepala hitam di kelaskan sebagi “Dorper” sementara yang berkepala putih di kelaskan sebagai “White Dorper”.

Sejarah Dorper ia berkembang biak dan dikembangkan di Afrika Selatan pada 1930 dari kacukan biri-biri berkepala hitam dengan Persian ewes dengan Dorset Horn ram. Dengan takdir Allah terhasilah biri-biri yg. bergelar Dorper yg dapat menghasilkan carcass berkuliti dan bermutu tinggi di bawah kondisi yang ekstensif. Persia berkepala hitam yang telah dipilih dan amat sesuai dengan daya ketahanan yg. tinggi, ketabahan dan kemampuan sebagai ibu yg. baik. Dorset Horn yang telah dipilih untuk pertumbuhan cepat dan harga carcass bernilai serta bermutu. Breeding program yang dihasilkan dalam pembiakan dorpers berkepala hitam dan putih mempercepakan pembanguan dorper.Kini dorper menjadai angka kedua terbesar di Afrika Selatan. Dorper akhirnya diperkenalkan ke Australia pada tahun 1996 dan memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan untuk pasaran daging tempatan serta sebagi bahan eksport ke negara lain am Nya.
The Standard of Excellence
Strong and long, with large eyes, widely spaced and protectively placed. Strong nose, strong well-shaped mouth with well-fitted deep jaws. The forehead must not be dished. The size of the ears must be in relation to the head. A developed horn base or small horns are the ideal. Heavy horns are undesirable but permissible. The head must be covered with short, dullish black hair in the Dorper and dull, white hair in the White Dorper. The head must be dry i.e. without indications of fat localization. " Fore-quarter and neck:The neck should be of medium length, well-fleshed and broad and well-coupled to the forequarters. Shoulders should be firm, broad and strong. A moderate protrusion of the brisket beyond the shoulders, moderate width and good depth are the ideal. Forelegs must be strong, straight and well-placed with strong pasterns and hoofs not too widely split. Weak pasterns and X legs must be discriminated against according to degree. Shoulders which appear loose, a brisket which slants up too sharply with no projection beyond the shoulders, crooked legs and weak walking ability, are faulty.
The ideal is a long, deep wide body, ribs well sprung, loin broad and full. The sheep must have a long straight back and not a "devil's grip". A slight dip behind the shoulders is permissible.
Hind-quarterA long and wide rump is the ideal. The inner and outer twist to be well fleshed and deep in adult animals. The hind legs must be strong and well-placed, with sturdy feet and strong pasterns. Faulty pasterns must be discriminated against according to degree. The hocks must be strong without a tendency to turn in or out. Sickle, bandy or perpendicular hocks are culling faults.
Udder and sex organs
A well-developed udder and sex organs are essential in the ewe. The scrotum of the ram should not be too long and the testicles should be of equal size and not too small. A split scrotum is undesirable.
General appearance
The sheep should be symmetrical and well-proportioned. A calm temperament with a vigorous appearance is the ideal.
Good mothering qualities
The Dorper ewe is a very good mother and protective of her young. Multiple births are common, with some instances of triplets recorded. Lambs are extremely mobile at birth and survival rates are high. The Dorper ewe produces a large quantity of milk, aiding lamb survival and early growth.
Good grazing habitsThey are non-selective grazers. Experience so far suggests that Dorpers can adapt to most grazing conditions. There is evidence that they prefer fibre to grains and they respond well to good quality hay.Purebred lambs will start to graze in the first few days after birth. F1 lambs after about two weeks.The Dorper can be advantageously incorporated into under-utilized pastures of lesser quality, thus converting a poor asset into profit.
Fast growingDorper lambs have an inherent growth potential (ability to graze at an early age) They grow rapidly and can attain a high weaning weight.Dorpers respond well to increased planes of nutrition, giving growers the potential to increase weights rapidly in response to market demands.Weight Gain-The Dorper lamb grows rapidly and attains a high weaning weight which again is an economically important characteristic in the breeding of mutton sheep. A live weight of about 36 kg can be reached by the Dorper lamb at the age of 3- 4 months. This ensures a high quality carcass of approximately 16 kg.
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